
Archive for resilience – Page 3

Stick or Slip: What’s Different When We Keep Our Promises to Ourselves?

What is it that makes us stick at something when the going gets tough, when at another time we may give up on exactly the same thing?  Think diets, smoking, exercise or a career goal.


I ask this questions because it is one I have been asking myself.  25 years ago working in a Business School, I could not have had better conditions for doing a PhD.  My fees were paid, I could study in work time, I had easy access to potential participants – but I gave up.  Roll forward and I have just finished a doctorate.  This time I paid my own fees, I did it whilst working fulltime, I gave up my weekends and holidays, and I had to find my own participants, and yet I got through.


The answer to my question is a simple one – I had purpose.

In my first attempt, I did not know why I was doing the doctorate – other than it was what my colleagues expected of me.  I was expected to approach it in a way which met with my boss’s approval, but which had little appeal to me.  I was uncertain of my focus, and as a consequence I was easily distracted into doing things which made a plausible case for not working on the research.

This time, I knew why I was doing it. I knew how I needed to do it in order for it to be motivating and valid for me.  I had a personal vision of what I wanted to do with the outcomes.  As a result my energy flowed easily towards the project.  There was no reason to procrastinate, every reason to keep going when the going got tough, and no difficulty in prioritising my activities.


So the learning is – if you want to move from I want to  . . . lose weight, get fitter, get promoted, change my career, be a better leader, then start by defining your purpose.  What is it you want by achieving your goal, because once you own that, the rest will follow.

Once you know why something is important to you, then you have started the process of succeeding.



Are You Thriving?


Beautiful young woman jumping on  a green meadow with a colored tissue


The word resilience has become so ubiquitous that it is like Humpty Dumpty in Alice in Wonderland, who argues that a word can mean whatever he wants it to mean.  So it is with one of the hot words of recent years.

In the last few weeks I have heard the reaction of villagers in Somerset to being flooded described as resilient: by which the reporter meant they were stoic rather than hysterical in the face of seeing their homes ruined.  I have heard a premier league football manager describe his team as resilient: by which he meant they fought back from a seemingly lost game.  I have heard the ability of a bank to quickly restore services after it was unable to process payments as resilient: by which was meant it had a strong back up system within its infrastructure.  So a word which originated as a description of plants which could adapt to changing environmental conditions has become hijacked to mean any numbers of different things:

  • The ability to keep going when things are tough
  • The ability to manage emotions at a time of difficulty
  • The ability to restore normality after disruption

It has now entered organisational life, often as a pseudonym for being able to handle stress.  What if however, rather than using the word resilience we used the word thriving.  Let me explain the difference.  Resilience is linked to the idea of recovering from a setback, of disruption to the norm, of one off events which derail an individual in their personal life, in their health or their career.  That is why many books on resilience talk of ‘bounce back’.  However, many people’s working lives are marked not by one off events, but by continuous demands, by relentless pressures, by never having enough time or enough resource.  The challenge is not how to bounce back, but how to keep going.


Rather than talking about resilience, some writers have suggested that it is more useful to look at how people continue to give a high level of performance regardless of the demands. In other words, how do they thrive?  To answer that question Mustafa Sarker and David Fletchers, researchers into resilience at Loughborough University interviewed 13 individuals at the top of their professions; in areas as diverse as policing, mountain climbing, accountancy, the media and politics to look for the common themes in how they managed to thrive when the demands were as high as the stakes.  They discovered that there were 6 recurring themes:

  • Proactive personalities.  They were hardwired to look at what they could do in the face of difficulty rather than being passive  recipients.
  • Experience and learning:  They actively looked at what they could learn from experiences and many of them engaged in reflective practices such as writing.
  • Control:  Even when the situation seemed outside of their control, they looked for what they could take control of, in particular they prioritised where their energy went.
  • Flexibility: They were able to adapt to situations and be willing to flex around the reality of what was, rather than holding onto what they thought the situation should be.
  • Balance and Perspective: They continued to do things outside of work, even when the pressure was high, because it enabled them to keep a sense of perspective.  Even in the face of difficulty at work, knowing they could still enjoy spending time playing sport, having a laugh with friends, or giving time to charitable causes, provided another lens with which to view their working life.  They did not talk of work life balance in a literal sense, but of finding a point of equilibrium that worked for them.
  • Perceived Social Support: They sought out supporters and mentors within their work setting, so that beyond the emotional support they could get from friends and families they had available to them people who they could talk things through with, who understood their context.

Sarker and Fletcher’s research is important because it is based on people who are ambitious, who seek out challenge, and who have had to find ways of managing themselves in order to deliver the results from which success comes.  They have thrived.

The question for readers of this blog then are:

  • How well are your thriving?
  • What can you take from those that do that would help you ensure you can deliver high performance in the face of high demands?

Ten Tips for Building Resilience

Resilience is a quality which  people often believe is something you have or you don’t.  We can all think of people who seem to deal with whatever life throws at them.  We also often know people who seem to collapse when faced by difficulty.  But is DNA the differentiator?

The answer seems to be that DNA plays only a small part.   A greater contributor is what people have learnt that gets them back into balance when things are tough.  That means that a life without challenge, as much as it may seem attractive, does not prepare people well when the bad times hit. What  is valuable is to to be able to identify and access recovery resources, so that the time under stress is reduced.

Steven Southwick, Professor of Psychiatry at Yale School of Medicine and Dennis Charney, Professor of Psychiatry and Neuroscience at Mount Sinai Hospital in NY have recently published the results of 15 years work  on resilience.  Its’ value is that they have identified factors which allow people to lead successful lives  even when experiencing life stress. Their work looked at  people living under extreme difficulty including prisoners of war, victims of abuse, pe0ple living in inner city poverty and first respondents to 9/11.  They compared those who had developed depression under stress, and those that did not, to try and discover what differentiated them.  The answer lay not in DNA, but in behaviours which one group used, and the other did not.

  1. The value of the  behaviours is that they are equally relevant to individuals dealing with any stress in their life which is knocking them off balance.  A willingness to face reality with a sense of realistic optimism.  That is a big ask, but being able to accept rather than deny what has happened,      perversely helps people to deal with it.  Whereas, the energy that goes into denying, blaming, avoiding or unrealistic hoping, holds back the    process of recovery.
  2.   Recognise what you do and do not have control over.  People stress themselves by wanting to exert control in a situation where it is not possible to do so.  By developing actions  based on what they can change and what they cannot, a sense of agency returns.
  3.   Seek support.  The Yale research showed a strong relationship between how extensive an individual’s social network was and how well they     coped with stress.  Talking with friends, or seeking out others who are in the same situation and can empathasise is important to recovery,     because feeling supported allows the release of the oxytocin a compound connected to feeling attached to people, which counters the harmful effect of stress chemicals on the body.
  4.  Exercise.  We know we should, we often don’t want to when feeling stressed, and yet it also acts to counter the effects of harmful  stressor     chemicals such as cortisol and epinephrine.
  5. Sleep.  As Scarlett  O’Hara  said in Gone With the Wind as her life say in ruins,  ‘tomorrow is another day’.  A good night’s sleep can put the world into a different perspective, and when sleep is   difficult, exercise is a natural way of inducing tiredness.
  6.  Eat well.  When stressed, it is easy to neglect one’s diet, or to turn to junk food as comfort.  The value of good nutrition is that it helps boost the    immune system.  It is also a signal to the self, that you are worth taking care of.
  7. Learn about simple meditation techniques. Mindfulness is an increasingly commonly used way of helping people deal with difficulty.  It focuses     on helping you to focus on the present moment – not what catastrophe may happen tomorrow, or what terrible thing happened yesterday, but    what is happening right now.  In the process thoughts become less powerful and the body responds.  Books such as those written by Jon Kabat   Zin, Mark Williams and Michael Chaskalson all have simple mindfulness exercises that can be built into everyday life.  Or seek out an introductory   class.
  8. Do something that takes you away from the issue.  The ‘you’ facing the difficulty is very aware of that person, but there is real value in staying       connected with the other ‘yous’.  The you that can enjoy dancing, having a laugh, being creative, watching a sport.  It is important to experience     the pleasure  that those other ‘yous’ can offer even while you are living with difficulty. The more we can hold the multiple ‘yous’, the more     resource you have available to help you.
  9.  Create meaning.  What helps people get beyond the difficulty is being able to create meaning from the experience.  What can you take from this     experience that you can use going forward.  It is what makes it possible for people to talk of having experienced the ‘best of times and the worst  of times’ in the same experience.
  10. Write about it.  No one else needs to see what you write.   The act of writing down how you are feeling, thinking and behaving, acts to help            change those thoughts, feelings and behaviours.  Putting it out there, enables you to look at it in a different way than when it is in your head,  and to access new thoughts and feelings.


If you are reading this list because you are aware that you have lost your resilience, then read it again and identify the one thing in the 10 that you could imagine doing, and commit to it as an experiment, noticing the difference it makes to your sense of your self and your situation.

Once you notice a shift, it will encourage  you to experiment with other of the tips – all of which have been road tested by people like you.


Carole Pemberton is an Executive Coach and Visiting Professor at the University of Ulster Business School.  She has a particular interest in coaching to help rebuild resilience.